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ABC's and PhD's: A ramble on problems and on collaboration

Last week I went to a lecture by David Montgomery, author of “Dirt: the Erosion of Civilizations”. I didn’t expect...

Perishing Without Publishing

Rob Weir on what not to do if you want to see your paper published.

Publishing Genius

A graduate student in Baltimore proves that a small press can hit the big time. Scott McLemee investigates.

Another Successful Prediction

They say that a prophet is never appreciated in his own country. That said, this article from IHE certainly rang...

The Medium is Not the Message

The lack of attention paid to a recent federal study about the benefits of online learning reflects continuing bias against that mode of education, writes Jonathan Kaplan.

Mothering at Mid-Career

My piece last week struck a nerve, it seems, among some childless academics and with at least one person who...

Life Happens

New assistant professors, plotting their paths to tenure, need to remember that the road is rarely smooth, writes Terri E. Givens.

The Death Guy

Gary Laderman has mixed feelings about becoming the "go to" professor when someone famous dies.