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Reforming Pre-Med

While a new agenda for changing the approach to key courses may challenge professors and administrators, it's possible and it's vital, writes Julio de Paula.


With record enrollments this Fall, we've added unprecedented numbers of new sections. That means we've hired dozens of new adjuncts...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Parallel lives

My household is a bit disrupted this month with a visit from my sister and her family. These get-togethers are...

Getting the Letters Right

When it comes to getting recommendations, you need to mentor your mentors, writes Teresa Mangum.

Prophets of Deceit

Obama is a totalitarian illegal alien! He's going to execute grandma! Scott McLemee takes refuge with a classic study of political mania.

What Month Is It?

So a funny thing happened on the way to summer: I sat down to start writing a book, and when...


I &*%#(%*& hate parking. There is no obvious, elegant way to handle a sudden influx of students when parking is...

John Hughes's Lessons

"Bueller. Bueller. Bueller." As an untenured professor I live in constant dread that my voice will (like Ben Stein's in...