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Richard Poirier, man of letters, founding editor of the journal Raritan, and longtime Rutgers University English professor, has died. In...

Math Geek Mom: The Summer of the Missing Tooth

Calculus, which I begin teaching again on Monday, is the world of the infinitesimal. Rather than asking about changes over...

The For-Profit Option

As faculty jobs evaporate elsewhere, hiring is strong in a non-traditional sector. David Clinefelter discusses the qualities that are important to those doing the hiring.

A Peek Behind the Veil

Gregg Chenoweth's experience at the famed Oxford Round Table, at its 20th anniversary, offered a melding of mind and matter, pub and pulpit, enchantment and irritation.

Office Hours

Although I frequently disagree with Dr. Crazy, I have to give her props on this. There's something anachronistic about the...

Other blogs, other posts

First, let me just state that Sunday's post about Greenback's library was in no way a setup for Tuesday's debut...

Guest Book Reviews: Holladay

I'm pleased to bring you today the second installment of reviews by Katya Cummins, who will be reviewing books from...

Motherhood After Tenure: the sabbatical ends

Well, I can’t live in denial any longer: the end of my sabbatical is fast approaching. In two weeks I...