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Ask the Administrator: The Smackdown

A longtime correspondent and fellow administrator asks: Is there any time when a public smackdown of a campus victim bully...

Math Geek Mom: Scary Stories and Scary Choices

When I returned from a campus visit for what became my first academic job, highway construction forced us to get...

Long Distance Mom: Cooks and Bloggers

If you are a gourmand, then I assume you’ve seen Julie and Julia, the new film about quirky TV chef...

Putting the Amateur Myth to Rest

Big-time college athletes are not amateurs nor should they be pros, and the NCAA needs a new model to recognize that, Allen Sack argues.

Force Be With You

I’m tired but happy after my summer’s writing labor, feeling accomplished in the short interim before edits begin. It’s good...

Between Cultures

One of the goals for this blog is to provide a space where us learning designers, educational technologists, course designers...


When I read that Ian Hacking, a Canadian philosopher, had won a big prize - the Holberg, worth close to...

Museum Hopping

This summer we've made a point of taking the kids to every children's museum and science museum within a day's...