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Beyond the Jokes on 'Helicopter Parents'

When I became an associate dean for undergraduate programs not quite four years ago, I did not know the term...

Can We Discuss This?

Rob Weir offers tips for leading discussion-based courses.

Just Say No?

Tenured Radical has a wonderful post up about saying 'no' to excessive service requests. It's a thoughtful piece, and it...

The Way Students Create

Learning technologists share an abiding faith in the power of the creative process. We believe that students learn when they...

Gaming Excellence

After his institution imposes an inarguable "excellence" fee on students, Clarence Sowers envisions other one-time charges to follow.

Soylent Green is Adjuncts

I’m gratified by the response to my last post, which got more comments than any other in recent memory, except...

First Day Haiku

To the parking gods:Forgive us, for we know notwhat students will do. Yes, I know that you"don't need no English...

5 Reasons Microsoft Will Buy Blackboard

The top 5 reasons why we will see Microsoft buying Blackboard by the end of 2010: 1. The education market...