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Higher Ed. and TED

TED talks pose all sorts of challenges and opportunities for those of us in higher education. The quality of the...

P + 1

So, today's the day after P-Day. As in "Plan Day." As in "Climate Action Plan due date." For charter signatories...

ABC's and PhD's: A health care perspective from the Great White North

Health care is on the minds of Canadians these days, just as it is at the forefront of discussions in...

Composing the CV

Want to impress search committees? Don't leave mysteries, follow your discipline's conventions, and use flair for your writing, not your fonts, suggests Teresa Mangum.

Mortal Grace

Jim Carroll and Paul Ricoeur looked death in the face and wrote about it. Scott McLemee reads the fragments....


A longtime correspondent sent me this article in Academe by Lori Messinger, a professor of social work at the University...

A Focus on Learning

I was heartened to see Zemsky put learning at the top of his list of the tough issues facing higher...

Neve Gordon's Academic Freedom

It’s not easy to find a country in the Middle East whose universities honor academic freedom as we know it...