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Standards and students

Curricular innovation has been a hot topic on the Green Schools List ( email "subscribe grnsch-l" to the past...

I'm Sorry I Published

Ever since this piece on the hiring process in philosophy was published in Inside Higher Ed, there has been a...

Change Through Debate

Academe has a unique ability to promote political civility in the United States, writes Susan Herbst.

For, Against, and That Elusive Third Category...

In a couple of discussions on campus this week, I've had variations on this exchange: Prof: So this is why...

E-books and Colleges

This weekend Randall Stross asked "Will Books be Napsterized?" in the NYTimes. Writes Stross: "Until now, few readers have preferred...

Career Coach: More on Women and Work Styles

I thought all of the responses to last week’s post were terrific. Differential treatment can be hard to talk about...

The Importance of Mentors

Terri Givens considers the lessons learned and confidence gained from those who encouraged her -- and her obligation to do the same for others.

A System for Fighting Digital Defamation

Benjamin Bleiberg and Joseph Storch propose a way to help victims combat the Web sites that vilify college students.