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Building 'Relational Capital'

As consultants who have worked in higher education for more than 20 years, we have had the opportunity to work...

The Filth and the Fury

Need a guide to vocabulary in the focative case? Scott McLemee looks at the definitive study of "the F word."

Compare and Contrast

It isn't often that you can see a historical inflection point this clearly. Posted on the same day, these two...

3 Things This Learning Technologist Can't Do

There are many many things related to learning technology that I have no ability to accomplish, but wish I had...

The Misguided 'Online Skills Laboratory'

While seeking to make college more affordable and accessible, the Obama administration has launched a worrisome but largely unnoticed assault...

On children's literature and academic administration

I've been going to a lot more meetings this year than I've done in years past — it's a mark...

The Shuffle, or, The Hidden Cost of Savings

With the budget situation continuing to worsen, we're often unable to replace people when they leave. When the people in...

Apple's Podcast Producer for Lecture Capture?

The EDUCAUSE annual conference offers the best opportunity each year to spend time with educational technology companies in order to...