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Autumn Chill

Rob Weir offers suggestions on how not to flame out like fall leaves as your stress and work levels go up -- and how to reach your students when they experience mid-semester overload.

Picking Up Crumbs

Cuts in the cookie budget of the nation's wealthiest university don't illustrate hardship so much as show how lopsided support for higher education is, writes Drew A. Bennett.

Career Coach: Student Reactions and Gender

Reader Tekbek sent this article from ASEE Prism describing a study that examined students’ reactions to stereotypically “male” and “female”...

Grading, Feverishly

Always read your IHE “Quick Takes”; I can vouch for their accuracy. This past week they noted that 92% of...


I thought I awoke this morning to the announcement that President Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Then...

Caught in the Middle

A department chair feels squeezed between senior administrators who want reform and senior professors who don't. C.K. Gunsalus considers the options.

Time Off for Good Behavior

David Galef shares a memo distributed by the henchman (er, administrator) hired to enforce the furloughs at U of All People.


Apparently, it's compare-and-contrast week on the blog. These two stories from IHE, posted on the same day, are worth reading...