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New Civil Rights Movement

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated at the US Capitol on Sunday to demand LGBT equality. Scott McLemee thinks while marching...

Decentralized Work: The Final Frontier

Two decades after we were promised that telecommuting and other flexible work arrangements would be the norm, they're far from it, Justin Draeger writes. He offers guidance for how to do it right.

Local Economic Indicators

The Planet Money podcast from NPR has a running feature called "Today's Economic Indicator" (or something like that). It's a...

The New Literacy and the CMS

The biggest problem I have with Blackboard (and other vertical CMS platforms) is that the knowledge, materials and conversation generated...

How Community Colleges Can Reach Obama's Goals

Americans have long prided ourselves on our higher education system, but lately a much more negative image has emerged. The...

Imposter Syndrome

Lesboprof has a thought-provoking post up about imposter syndrome. It's that nagging feeling that you get in an authority role...

Mothering at Mid-Career: My take on "Opting Out"

Dana Campbell came at the new census data on "opting out" last week from a rather different perspective than mine...

Carol Twigg Is a Rock Star

In Jack Stripling's fascinating IHE piece on the National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT), Carol Twigg is quoted as saying...