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Facing a Student Complaint

After an adjunct refused to let a student leave class to take a cell call, she learned that the student would be filing a complaint, and now she's worried. C.K. Gunsalus offers some advice.

The Public Option

Can scholarship in the humanities be done outside the ivory tower? Scott McLemee goes to Iowa to find out...

The Hard Part of Transparency

My college, like so many others, has tried to deal with the Great Recession by having a series of public...

Learning Technology's Next Generation

Learning tech needs some new blood. We need to recruit young people to go into our discipline (actually - we...

Dawn after the dark (?)

As I was driving into work this morning, I was listening to Cyrus Chestnut's " Dark Before the Dawn" --...


Stanley Fish, in his latest New York Times blog post, unwittingly demonstrates why there's so much, as he puts it...

Is Tenure Conservative?

The ultimate in job security discourages the challenging, innovative scholarship it was designed to protect, writes Mark Kingwell.

How Not to Balance a CC Budget

Out-of-state students! According to this article, several state university systems are now considering making deliberate moves to increase the proportion...