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Speed Tenuring

Although speed dating came along late enough that I missed it, I'll admit being fascinated by it as an intellectual...

Can We Talk About Money?

Money has been much on my mind in recent days. We are all thinking about our work in terms of...

ABC's and PhD's: Book club

Last week my daughter and I read the classic Bridge to Terabithia. I wouldn’t have re-read this on my own...

And Now For Something Completely Different

40 years ago, Monty Python brought deconstruction to the telly. Scott McLemee looks on the bright side of life.

Those Humanities Ph.D.'s

Did you hear the one about the humanities Ph.D.? Last month, Inside Higher Ed reported on the Graduate Education Initiative...

As the AAUP Turns...

Apparently the AAUP is launching a new campaign in recognition of the rocky judicial climate for its conception of academic...

EDUCAUSE Should Model Open Learning

I saw on Twitter that Jim Collins did not grant permission for his EDUCAUSE keynote "Good to Great and the...

The Old Lie: Dulce et Decorum Est

Until the canes and coffins stop, essays on meter and imagery are banned, writes Wick Sloane.