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Learning in the Commons

Tom Deans and Tom Roby, directors of a university's centers to help students with writing and mathematics, respectively, consider the styles, goals and metaphors of their related efforts.

A Writing Routine

Peg Boyle Single offers a series of practical tips.


Last week I had a chance to speak with some local employers who occasionally hire our graduates. They were gracious...

Twitter and the learning technology stream

Twitter is changing how I keep up with the educational technology world. I'm moving from relying on an RSS reader...

Strike at Illinois

If you’re reading this Monday morning, the strike at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign has begun, and I’m out taking...

Career Coach: More on Gender Balance

The undergraduate institution I attended went co-ed the year I matriculated. It had previously been an all-women’s college, the sister...

Summer is a'goin out

It's getting cold at night around Backboro. The stock tanks have a quarter inch of hard ice on them in...

Reality testing

I wasn't listening to music on the way to Greenback this morning, but I should have been. I should have...