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Seeking Federal Support

I am having trouble signing on to the campaign to make our universities dependencies of the federal government. I want...


The arguments that sustainability advocates have been making, which aren't working well enough, have been largely fact-based. (That's what often...

What Am I Doing Here?

Brian Rosenberg explains why, as a college president, he has a high bar for speaking out on public issues.

Graduating Into the Great Recession

I graduated into a recession, but went to graduate school instead, where poverty was less 'cyclical' than just 'the way...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Gender balance, again-this time in books

A couple of posts in the last week about gender balance have caught my eye. Both came from Susan O'Doherty...

Learning from the Military

I just finished an excellent book called The Fourth Star: Four Generals and the Epic Struggle for the Future of...

Job (re)training

And now, for something completely different . . . Ironically, this just in on the Green Schools listserv (co-curricular life...

Job training

A commenter on a previous post accused me (on what evidence, I can't discern) of wanting to turn all of...