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Two recent instances of professorial plagiarism - New Zealand novelist Witi Ihimaera and, allegedly, Ohio State University mathematician Azita Manouchehri...

A Defense of the Lecture

Adam Kotsko questions the idea that small discussion-based courses are the ideal form of undergraduate education.

5 Networking Strategies

Think you don't know anyone outside higher ed who can help your job search? Sabine Hikel says you do.

Guest Book Review: Give My Poor Heart Ease

Give My Poor Heart Ease : Voices of the Mississippi Blues. William Ferris. The University of North Carolina Press, November...

Politics of Hiring: Riffing on Profgrrrrl

First, if you've ever wanted a sense of academic hiring, read Profgrrrrl's post. Now. Slowly. It's all true. Worse, it...

Challenges and Opportunities of the Small Screen

How will academic libraries make sure that their content is available on a 3.5-inch mobile device? Should this even be...

Math Geek Mom: Altruism and Aging

My first week of graduate school found me in a microeconomics class with a teacher reviewing the assumptions behind what...

Reviving the Academic Library

Instead of trying to turn themselves into something they're not -- a center of fundamental learning -- campus libraries should focus on their traditional core mission of supporting education and research, writes Johann Neem.