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Ed Tech Outside the U.S.

The degree of my ignorance of educational technology outside of the U.S. was brought home to me by how eagerly...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Boys and Girls, again

Last week's blog post sparked some interesting conversation in the comments, both about the books I mentioned and about the...

Cover me, I'm going over the top!

I was listening to NPR today, and heard an interview with Drew Westen (professor of psychology at Emory and author...

(Skilled) Self-Presentation

Timothy Burke wonders whether students -- despite all the speaking they do in college -- learn how to talk about themselves and their ideas.

Teach Governance

Graduate students and new faculty members will be helped in their careers by learning how their institutions work and how they can help shape policy, writes Terri Givens.

A Response to Michael Berube

A few alert readers called my attention to this post by Michael Berube, in which he attacks my response to...

The Long Tail of Teaching Talent

The tail of teaching talent in your institution is longer then generally recognized, and it extends to your librarians and...

Career Coach: Still More on Gender Balance

As usual, I was fascinated by the responses to last week’s column. I am still looking for the place where...