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No More Fancy Fonts

Mikita Brottman bemoans the lost art of the creative syllabus, and what it says about our colleges and their students.

Motherhood After Tenure: snow day

We woke up this morning to a world caked in white — big draping sheets of snow hanging from our...


A regular correspondent stumped me with this one. Has your campus found a solution to smoking? With record enrollments, my...

The Educator-to-Student Ratio

College teaching is transitioning from a craft model where a single faculty member designs, delivers and evaluates a course to...


My son and I arrived ten minutes before the official vaccination clinic start time, but already the line-up for H1N1...

The Interview -- Readiness Is All

To be authentic and to cover the points you want, rehearsal is a must, writes Teresa Mangum.

To the Extreme

Cornel West was in The Matrix, but cultural politics isn't a video game. Scott McLemee responds to the continuing discussion.


Discipline is one of those words that can mean almost anything. A few years ago, Gregg Easterbrook mentioned that when...