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Long Distance Mom: Airports and Non-Places

What does ‘home for the holidays’ mean when you aren’t really sure where your home is located? Marc Auge’s book...

Speculating About Desire2Learn

Warning : This blog post is entirely speculative and quite likely wrong in many (if not all) areas. Unfortunately, I...

ABC's and PhD's: Nobel perspective

Two weeks ago I reported on a proposal about to come up for vote in the University of Maryland senate...

Expert Advice

Peg Boyle Single interviews the authors of What They Didn't Teach You in Graduate School.

A Gladiator of Letters

The Savage Detectives and 2666 make literature feel like a matter of life and death. Scott McLemee interviews a prominent Bolaño-logist.


You know you're grading on a curve when settling to pay out only $78 million causes your stock to go...

Politics, pedagogy, the press and professors (a prickly post)

Thanks to Terry Calhoun for stating briefly what I will now attempt to say with excruciating verbosity. I've been thinking...

The Purposes of Learning Technology

--To challenge the status quo in teaching and learning. --To make big classes act and feel like seminars. --To help...