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A Syllabus Syllabary

As you hone your course materials for the spring, Maria Shine Stewart offers 25 terms for new and returning faculty members to know.

Interview Season

Ari Kelman shares advice on preparing for and handling job interviews at academic conferences.

Vertical Search in Higher Ed

Higher education needs a vertical search engine. This would be a great business opportunity, as a site that got higher...

Alive and Well

Forget the conventional wisdom about how the recession and student interests in preparing for jobs are dooming the liberal arts, writes Mary B. Marcy.

Hanging at GameStop

How much time do college students spend playing video games? I did some quick Googling this morning and was unable...

Advantages and Drawbacks to Attending a (Mostly) Women's College - II

As described last week, I entered college in the fall of 1970 with some trepidation. Recent exposure to a group...

Last-Minute Gift Idea

Happy holidays to all our Inside Higher Ed readers, and many thanks for following the blog. The Churm family wishes...


As the family and I settle in for a much-needed Christmas break, I just want to thank my wise and...