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Playing Mozart on the Titanic

Cary Nelson questions whether traditional scholarly meetings make any sense when the traditional role of faculty members is being eroded and tenure-track jobs are disappearing.

Evaluating Evaluations

You should pay attention to what your students say, writes Rob Weir. But you shouldn't take the official reports too seriously.

Irrelevant Facebook

Facebook is moving towards irrelevance. OK, the numbers may not back up this assertion (see Facebook dethroning Google as the...

Back in the Saddle Again

I hope your Christmas break was restorative. A few highlights of ours: --The Boy scored his first gametime basket! As...

Advantages and Drawbacks to Attending a (Mostly) Women's College - III

Last week I described some of the advantages of attending a mostly women’s college. Here are some ways in which...

The Task of the Critic

A new book presents literary theorist Terry Eagleton in conversation. Scott McLemee eavesdrops with enthusiasm.

Obsolete Learning Technologies

The Silicon Alley Insider recently named 21 technologies that became obsolete this past decade. My favorites from the list included...

'Twas the season

Over the holidays, I had a truly minor epiphany. It started while I was wrapping presents. We've made it a...