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Choosing Sides

By urging mandated bachelor’s degrees for nurses, Carnegie Foundation’s important new report risks polarizing nursing education community, writes Beverly Malone.

The Loss of Legibility, Or, Why Do People Still Pile Into Grad School?

Why do people still go to grad school in the liberal arts? My generation had an excuse; we were told...

Long Distance Mom: Wonders of the World

One reason I’ve endured the long distance challenges of a commuting lifestyle for so long is the flexibility academic life...

Academic Tech/Library Careers for Ph.D.'s

The tenure track job market is in the toilet. Have you considered pursuing an academic technology or library career instead...

It's what we like . . .

. . . that gets us into trouble. It's the folks who like smoking who are the most likely to...

ABC's and PhD's: Marketing Pink

Happy New Year everyone! Having passed through to the other side of our most consumer-driven season of the year, maybe...

Love and Death in Indiana

A black, gay professor is murdered in cold blood in Bloomington. Scott McLemee looks into a hate crime.

The 2-Year Option

Worried humanities job seekers should consider positions at community colleges, writes Tom Hurley.