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Book Review: Imagining Paris

I have the sixth largest library in the United States of America. Technically it’s not mine of course, but I...

Popular Nonfiction, Academic Libraries, and Audiobooks

Should academic libraries purchase popular nonfiction? Should academic libraries supply borrowers with the book format that matches their preferences and...

Attack of the Blob?

The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a few pieces this week on for-profit higher education. They're revealing and thought-provoking, though...

Critique of Impure Reason

All hail the scholarship of Jean-Baptiste Botul! Scott McLemee looks into a case of philosophical fact-checking.

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

In December, Inside Higher Ed graciously brought me down to the Modern Language Association conference in Philadelphia to meet with...

Charging for Quality

There's a thoughtful discussion over at Dr. Crazy's about full-time faculty workload. (The post was a response to Tenured Radical's...

On 'The Marketplace of Ideas'

Dean Dad and I just finished Menand's new book - and I'm here to convince you to move it to...

J.D. Salinger: An Un-Appreciation

By rejecting anthologies and rebuffing biographers, a great author limited his future readership, writes Leonard Cassuto.