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Mothering at Mid-Career: February Blues

February, not April, is the cruelest month. Ask anyone in the mid-Atlantic states who's been pummelled by snow for the...

NPR lies artfully

Mark Twain, I believe, once wrote that there are two ways of lying artfully -- telling the truth but not...

Don't Avoid Conflicts; Mine Them

It was late at night on a spring evening in 2006 at Columbia University, and a dozen of us remained...

Get Out There and Shake It!

You can't wait for senior colleagues to reach out. You need to reach out to them, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Thoughts on the Alabama Shooting

Every time I hear about a shooting on a college campus, I wince. This one was especially surprising, given that...


I have just made my airline reservations to Fort Lauderdale for the middle of February. This is not a vacation...

'Balance' Is a Women's Issue

Thanks to everyone who drew my attention Kerry Ann Rockquemore’s very interesting post on the myth of balance. As noted...

Educating the School in Return

Starbuck, who’s seven, wanted to know the rest of the lyrics to the sea chantey “What Do You Do With...