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Green business travel (?)

Before I came to work at Greenback, I used to travel on business quite a lot. Never much cared for...

Making the To-Be List

What happens when you are promoted in a way that takes you away from routines you cherished? Kent Barnds considers transitions in an administrative career.

Cheers and Cautions on Credit Cards

A new federal law will protect college students from excessive debt, but it has flaws of omission and commission that will most affect the most vulnerable, writes Karen Gross.

When Documentation Fails

I've been following the Bill Reader case with interest for the last few weeks. (For the record, I don't know...

Everywhere and Nowhere

Kevin M. Schultz and Paul Harvey consider the status of religion in the study of history.

On Teaching Christianity

Colleges shouldn't be afraid of adding theological approaches to the dominant sociological or historical focus, writes Adam Kotsko.

Allocating Positions

It may seem weird for me to ask this now, after all these years, but how does your college allocate...

Motherhood after tenure: spa porn

I called in sick today for the first time in 18 years of teaching (not counting when I had emergency...