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Long Distance Mom: Happiness Studies

Enough work has been done in the field of “happiness” to award it with an academic designation as an enigmatic...

Changing the Equation

California law alters how community colleges are financed -- and may fix problems that have plagued system since passage of Prop 13.

Spring Break in Candy Land

The whole family off from school at the same time leads to new understandings. Did you know, for example, that...

"She Gets It"

In discussing with colleagues how some people do well as administrators and some don't, the same phrase keeps coming up...

A Minimalist LMS?

What would an Learning Management System (LMS) look like that was boiled down to its essential functions and features? Why...

ABC's and PhD's: Online parenting advice

A recent piece in The New York Times discusses a trend in parenting that they call the “Mommy Wars”: competitive...

Beyond Consanguinity

A department chairman recounts the many ways that nepotism and conflicts of Interest can interfere with the faculty hiring and promotion process.

Under the Influence

Otto Weininger's writings were bizarre, unoriginal and morbid. So why are they classics?