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Ask the Administrator: Is This Normal?

I love this question. A returning correspondent writes: A month or two ago, I wrote and asked for advice about...

Questions About the iPad

Spent this weekend "moving in" to my iPad. Been thinking about what to say, which made me think about what...

A Broad Education, More Narrowly Defined

My first full-time teaching schedule was a four course, Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule where I taught my first class at 9AM and...

Burnout Season

I don’t think it’s coincidental that recent posts to this blog have focused on the importance of self-care even in...

Test Your Fund Raising Ethics

Forget the formal guidelines and codes: Mark Drozdowski offers a real-time method for judging the quality of your (and your employees') moral compass.

The Bridge to Somewhere

There are ways to phase in a move from higher ed to another kind of employment, writes Sabine Hikel.

Job Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

An alert reader sent me this story from Time. Apparently, Lansing Community College (MI) is guaranteeing students in certain pre-career...