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Pursuing the Dream

Academics concerned about the diversity of their institutions need to embrace the cause of undocumented students, writes Rosemary Salomone.

Dress like a dean/provost

After about a year of serving as Assistant Provost, the Provost called me in and indicated that he was more...

'It's a catastrophe. Relax!'

So Nobel laureate Michael Beard assures us all of the the inevitability and consequences of global warming, in Ian McEwan's...

The Girl Plays T-Ball

This Saturday The Girl had her first t-ball game. T-ball, for the uninitiated, is a version of baseball in which...

More on the Humanities and the Marketplace

“Henry Adams’s” most recent “Academic Bait-and-Switch” column in The Chronicle, in which he discusses all of his misguided reasons for...

Procrastination - I

Peg Boyle Single considers how we put off writing -- and how to change our habits.

The Accountability/Improvement Paradox

Moving beyond the tension between policy makers and professors over assessing student learning will require those on each side to approach their respective responsibilities, and each other, as professionals, Victor Borden writes.

Ask the Administrator: Hiring Earlier in the Cycle

A new correspondent writes: I work in an English Department at a mid-sized community college and currently chair a search...