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When I was a college freshman I had to take an English Literature course. It wasn't Lit 101/102 (the generally...

Long Distance Mom: Mira Nair

I attended an inspiring conversation with filmmaker Mira Nair recently at Columbia College Chicago. Nair spoke about how she arranges...

Virginia and Duke

A murder, allegedly by a male lacrosse player, has renewed a pattern of some writers making unfair generalizations and some university officials ignoring due process, writes KC Johnson.

Dropouts with Loans

In thinking some more about the Frontline episode, and reading through all the comments, it occurred to me that I...

Portability and Cost

Let us engage in a thought experiment. You are teaching a course, and you want your students to participate in...

Another voice

So, I'm sitting in my chair, drinking my first cup of coffee this morning and checking my email, when it...

First Thoughts on "Frontline"

Last night "Frontline" did a show on for-profit higher education. It was a disappointing episode in many ways. First, and...

The Presidential Spouse

When defining roles and duties, a good guide may be the adages about courtesy and common sense that we learned from our grandparents, writes Michael W. Schultz.