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Serious Subjects vs. Frills

This post at Mama Ph.D. raised a number of worthwhile issues. It's basically about people making distinctions between the 'essential'...

An 'Ask' for a New Digital Model

"I see you rolling your eyes. That’s right, you: the one in the fake-vintage rock ’n’ roll T-shirt and thick-framed...

Reading for naught

On the way to campus this morning, I happened to catch " The Environment Report", from UMich. What struck me...

Rethinking Your Résumé

When academics apply for jobs in the business world, they need to focus on one question, and they usually get it wrong, writes Jerry Jellison.

Unknown and Unaccountable

It's time for lawmakers, the IRS, the press and academics to subject public college and university foundations to more scrutiny, writes Pablo Eisenberg.

Final Exam Formats

Without giving too much away, I'll just say that my college uses one format for final exams, and is considering...

Resonating Requirements

At this time of year, I spend a lot of time with accepted students and their families. My primary goal...

The Faculty Academy at UMW

The list of ways that the University of Mary Washington sets the example in learning and technology is indeed long...