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Performance Reviews

We're coming up on performance review time for the administrative and staff ranks. That means I have to have my...

Law, Order

Education Sector, an "independent think tank that challenges conventional thinking in education policy" has just published an excellent research article...

Why Grading Is Part of My Job

One of the ways professors help their students is making distinctions among them, writes Leonard Cassuto.

"Community" College

I don't make a habit of doing reruns, but this story in IHE generated a flurry of requests to comment...

What Would You Ask an Academic Librarian?

This Thursday (5/20 3:00pm EST) I'm participating in a Webinar entitled "Everything Librarians and Learning Technologists Wanted to Know About...

Response ability

Several years before I came to work at Greenback, I had a job interview with the Marine Spill Response Corporation...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Teaching and Tae Kwon Do, again

When I first wrote about teaching and tae kwon do, over two years ago, I was just about to head...

Why Middlesex Matters

John Protevi considers why so many American academics have joined the fight to save a noted philosophy program at a British university.