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Oil spills and Post-docs

I’ve been focused on the tragic, on-going oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: first, because my current documentary is...

The New Campus Culture Wars

On “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day,” Eboo Patel wonders why religion has been largely left out of the college ethos of inclusiveness.

Ask the Administrator: Adjusting to a Union Shop

A newish dean at a new institution writes: Adding to the coming in from the 'outside' pressure is the fact...

10 Questions for Discussing Menand

This week, faculty and staff at my institution will be getting together to discuss Louis Menand's The Marketplace of Ideas...


I confuse easily. I 'm aware of that fact and, being aware of it, take solace when I learn of...

ABC's and PhD's: Vacation

Until a few weeks ago, I’d never made more than a weekend trip away from my children. In my mind...

Amazing Disgrace

The historian Michael Bellesiles is making a comeback. Scott McLemee remembers why he had to leave in the first place.

Demotion or Promotion?

Shari Dinkins considers how life changed when she became a teaching chair.