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A Better Way to Grade

Faculty members can use student peer review to make the process more meaningful, writes Steven J. Corbett.

Wal-Mart University? Really?

I take a week off from blogging, and Wal-Mart announces that it's entering higher education! I can't leave you people...

Learning Technologists and Campus Conversations

'"The idea of a "senior learning technologist" telling faculty that their syllabi should be made freely available is laughable." --Posted...

Paying for College, Sometimes With Blood

Ann Larson’s recent IHE column, in which she dissects the popular idea that that a college education is the key...

Memorial Day Appreciated

In addition to having a long weekend, Memorial Day should be appreciated for its original meaning. And during the actual...

The Solution They Won't Try

If public universities are really committed to promoting access, affordability, and quality, they should consider increasing their funding by accepting...

The Academic Love Affair

Eliza Woolf wonders how the lure of the professorial career seduces so many unemployed or underemployed Ph.D.s.

Where the Streets are Paved with Crushed Candy

My sons and I didn’t drive three hours south over Memorial Day weekend to score candy; we went to see...