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Who Gets to Guard the Gates of Eden?

Michael A. Olivas reviews and praises the legal arguments that carried the day in Monday's Supreme Court ruling on public colleges' anti-bias rules.

When Narratives Collide

As regular readers know, I’m a colossal nerd. One of my nerdier habits involves listening to Marketplace podcasts on a...

Being Wrong About My Laptop-Only Office

I'm in the middle of Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error , by Kathryn Schulz, so everything I...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Taking a Summer Movie Seriously

[SPOILER ALERT: SOME PLOT DETAILS OF TOY STORY 3 REVEALED BELOW] This is my 100th blog post for Inside Higher...

Implementing a National System for Quality Assurance in Peru

A new law creating a national system for the evaluation, accreditation, and certification of quality in higher education in Peru...

Honorable Technology

Colleges need to teach students not only how to use tools to learn, but how to use them with decency, write Sylvia Tomasch and Joseph Ugoretz.

Why Aren't You Writing?

Last month, I was contacted by a faculty member I had met several years ago at a conference (I’ll call...


Although they’re invisible to many faculty, we administrators spend an increasing amount of our time on partnerships with various community...