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Life Without a Real Job

For most of my working life — including school vacations in high school and college — I have worked at...

Meal planning

Whenever I think about feeding students on campus, a question comes into my mind. I've eaten meals on probably 100...

Book Review: Poetry in Person

“Who was it that said, ‘To be human is to be a conversation?’” Pearl London asks Philip Levine. “I don’t...

Beyond 'Tough Choices'

An article here last year, "Sophie's Choice for 2-Year Colleges," may create the mistaken impression that the crisis in our...

Lessons From Loss

The deaths of her mother and a close colleague leave Terri E. Givens reflecting on mourning and on life choices.

Busting Perps

I have to admit enjoying this article a little too much. Anyone who did time with Foucault will immediately think...

My Google Cover Letter - GMoodle

Dear Google. Thank you for this opportunity to apply for the Vice President of Global Higher Education. Rather than talk...

Not just desserts

Part of getting students/kids/people interested in their food is having food that's interesting. And part of using fruits and veg...