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Maybe If We Were Ignorant

Larry called at midnight. “I went to see this improv show for the third time. How to describe it to...

Let's shift some paradigms

Student Affairs and Technology have been my primary interest areas ever since I found out that student affairs was a...

The Class That Never Ends

My graduate department gave particularly brutal comprehensive exams. For our major field, we were expected to answer three questions in...

The Ed Tech Sonic Boom

Greg Easterbrook is making two big arguments in Sonic Boom: Globalization at Mach Speed. Future Prosperity: Due to a combination...

Consumer "eco" fees?

I really don't know what to think about a news item which crossed my (virtual) desk this morning. Apparently, the...

Protect Unpaid Internships

Discouraging companies from using young people as free labor is laudable, but colleges, not the government, should gauge the educational value of internships, writes Joseph E. Aoun.

When Technology Doesn't Help

Joshua Kim’s piece yesterday reminded me of a basic, but widely ignored, truth. In most industries, new technology is adopted...

The New iPhone Audible App

Audible just launched it's new iPhone app. I'm so excited. I've played with the app a bit. Here's what it...