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Mothering at Mid-Career: Granola -- from Recipe to Method

About once a week I take down the biggest mixing bowl I have and start pouring, dropping, and even occasionally...

Internet 102

Steve begins his second presentation with a primer for FERPA in the electronic age. He is the expert on the...

Law and Policy in IT: Internet 101

Hello, readers -- welcome to the unofficial launch of my new blog on Inside Higher Ed. I'll provide a fuller...

Net Price vs. Net Worth

In questioning the merit of the Net-Price Calculator, Kent Barnds considers how it could influence values associated with enrollment and financial aid decisions.

Writing IS Thinking

A narrow definition of writing may keep you from making progress, writes, Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

O! How Time Hath Ravaged My Beautiful Etc.

Buceadores del ejército de los Estados Unidos, Isla Grande, República de Panamá, el día de Navidad, 1985. I’m the beautiful...

We were globalists at a tender age!

As is evident in the end note to my most recent entry (‘ Are we witnessing the denationalization of the...

Lost Illusions

I’m working with a colleague who’s going through the shock that hits every new dean the first time she has...