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Tame Your Inner Critic

You have to understand this negative force to gain control over it, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

O Canada

American academics should take note of the way their northern neighbor is gaining on them in higher education, write Stephen J. Toope and Neil Gross.

When Tenure Disappears: Walking Away from the Ivory Towers

When William Julius Wilson wrote When Work Disappears in 1996, he wasn’t saying that work was actually disappearing. He was...

The Grown-up Brain and Us

What if the real purpose of education should be to prepare our brains to function well throughout our lifespan? What...

The Reentry Problem

As noted here, I had an idyllic vacation last week. I felt nourished and even transformed by it—as sometimes happens...

5 Marketing Questions

When a president interviews a potential chief marketing officer, Elizabeth Scarborough writes, there are questions the candidate needs to ask.

Dear Adjuncts: Don't Get Sick

I’m sick. And I don’t mean sniffles and tickle in my throat. I mean swallowing pitchforks and a jackhammer on...

How Higher Ed Makes Most Things Meaningless

Lee Skallerup My academic research will not change the world. Don’t get me wrong; I love the authors I am...