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No Problem!

Late last week, hearings were held in Congress on whether federal agencies that pour billions of tax dollars into research...

Lessons from the Woods

The vacation was a much-needed blessing. We were lucky in many ways: the weather cooperated, the kids were on their...

From Impressionism to Modernity: Do Russian universities need learning management systems?

During my last trip to US last week I had very “impressionist” experience. It was partly due to the a...

Bread crumb the fourth - In the housing development

Whilst traveling through a housing market well-removed from Backboro, I was struck by the prices developers were getting for moderately...

Do You REALLY Want to Be a Professor?

If your goals aren't clear, your writing will suffer, suggests Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Higher Ed and the Schools

Colleges have done too little to fix the nation's public schools, and it's time for that to change, writes Milton Greenberg.

Textbook Alternatives

My psychic powers tell me that in the next few weeks, as the back-to-school rush hits, we’ll be inundated with...

Essays that Lie

I was very pleased to read the recent news article in Inside Higher Ed describing the new essay service that...