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Are your bookmarks Delicious?

I have been using as my social bookmarking service for more than 2 years. It has become an indispensable...

Seductions of Sedan Delivery

Neil Young gives inspiration to Claire Potter on the art of writing job descriptions.

More Than a Paycheck

The message that higher education matters for the working class only for economic reasons shortchanges them and liberal studies, writes Mike Rose.

If Only We Had a Government Capable of Making Rules...

As regular readers know, I used to work in for-profit university. I fled it for various reasons, but still find...

Information Ethics, Blogging, and the Non-Fiction Novel

I just had to do some housecleaning among my RSS feeds. Some of my favorite blogs had moved from Scienceblogs...

Be Careful What You Wish For

My career has always been important to me, but I never wanted it to dominate my personal life. Early on...

Math Geek Mom: "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood…"

There is a concept in mathematics that shows up in calculus and geometry, the concept of a "neighborhood." Like its...

Pacific Rim views on global education: Hong Kong+Seattle

Editor's note: this guest entry was kindly produced by Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, as well as...