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Higher Education and Science

I recently attended the Second Science with Africa Conference jointly organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the...

Surrendering to Tomorrow

Once, the e-book reader was a futuristic fantasy. Scott McLemee faces the ambivalence of living it out.

Survival Tips

GMP offers suggestions for female graduate students in science and technology fields.

Campus Technology Leaders: Before and After

Before After Implements Strategic Vision Develops Strategic Vision Reports to a Top Academic Official Is a Top Academic Official Background...

Hint, Hint

This article brought back memories. My first administrative gig was at the same college where I got my first full-time...

Transnational Academic Feminism: The Case of Handwriting

Guest blogger, Karin Sarsenov, writing from Lund, Sweden. Summer is the blessed time for international conferencing, and for yours truly...

Watch This Video!

Remember Abbie Hoffman’s “Steal This Book!”? Transformed, “Watch This Video!": Bruce Schneier needs no introduction but he deserves, once again...

Markets and Missions

Okay, I know it's a naive question, but why did universities decide that their presses should be profit centers, or...