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Solving the Academic Job Crisis

Jeffrey J. Williams proposes an unusual tactic to make room for new blood in the academe. Let's just say it involves shedding a little old blood.

From Heresy to Possibility

From an early age we drill into children’s heads that they need to work hard to go to college so...

Meritocracy and Hiring

Is academic hiring meritocratic? The author of this piece assumes that it is. As someone whose job it is to...

The Mobile Education Company I'd Start

The mobile education company I'd start would look something like this: Customers: The near poor and aspirational middle-class in emerging...

#NASPACPA Consolidation - Are we practicing our values?

My first post about the proposed consolidation between ACPA and NASPA (they are the largest student affairs associations in higher...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Birthday Resolution

I have a big birthday coming up this year. Never mind which one — ok, I’ll be fifty — but...

Where in the World Is Carmen de Macedo?

Neven Sesardic explains why he published a journal article under another name.

Academe as Meritocracy

Maybe The Economist and other critics of Ph.D. programs that admit more students than can expect to find good academic jobs are missing the benefits of the system, writes Joshua A. Tucker.