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Sell Yourself

Promoting your skills in the business world is a matter of self-marketing, not self-denial, writes Jessica Quillin.

Ask the Administrator: Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

A perplexed correspondent writes: Right now I am a Community College Adjunct who is applying for some full time positions...

It's the Hard That Makes it Great

My job didn’t exist three years ago. My institution is relatively new to offering free-standing master’s programs. Until recently we...

Google Map Maker and Admissions

Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) professionals should be some of the most tech-savvy student affairs practitioners at your campus. With useful...

Remediation at a Crossroads

Will efforts to improve basic skills instruction lead to more of the same, or to a rich and robust education for students? Mike Rose asks.

Numbers That Bedazzle, Numbers That Benumb

Pressure on accreditors and college officials to emphasize data over professional expertise in gauging higher education quality is misplaced, Bernard Fryshman writes.

Motherhood After Tenure: Super teachers, super mothers

Today a group of students in my Women in Literature class gave a presentation on the film, Mona Lisa Smile...

Mapping the expansion of Bologna Process membership (1999-2011)

Note: our thanks to the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) for the funds to create this map, and to the University...