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Major inflexibility

On the continuing theme of "what we're not able to imagine, we're very unlikely to do" -- One of the...

Making the Choice

If you are one of the fortunate few with more than one job offer, Eliza Woolf has ideas on how to decide.

Commencement Cash Cow

Speakers should be ashamed of charging to appear, and colleges should stop offering the money, writes Pablo Eisenberg.

Ask the Administrator: Final Grade Windows

A regular correspondent writes: Apropos to the time of year... how long is it reasonable to expect faculty to turn...

Imagination and wisdom and waste

In my previous post, I noted that a lot of us can imagine the end of the world more readily...

Buying BlackBoard: Corrections and Extensions

I’m obligated to post two corrections to my April 27th blog, "Buying Blackboard." The errors were clearly mine; the errors...

The Balance

What do I stand for? We talk, write and read very often about how to we cope with this post-post-industrial...

The Wireless Chain

Reading Aerotropolis got me thinking about supply chains, cold chains (how food and flowers travel market to market), and lately...