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The Hunger Project

Scott McLemee reviews Alex de Waal's Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine.

A Values Proposition

Libraries have had a long time to develop a set of core values. What if those were applied to our broader information environment?

Race and Foreign Language

Deborah Parker describes how it feels to be an Asian faculty member in Italian, a field in which there are very few minorities, and how greater diversification offers a way forward.

Making a Difference in a Climate of Change

Judith S. White gives advice to women administrators about how best to make a positive impact in often difficult circumstances.

The Hybrid Conundrum

It's hard to achieve the best of both worlds.

An Upbeat Higher Ed SOLA+R Conference

Why online learning people are positive about the future of higher ed, and some things that they are worried about.

Universities in a World in Rapid Transformation

In order for universities to effectively contribute to social and regional development, it is crucial that they seek new ideas and good practices, and be open to reviewing and changing their models according to the needs of society.