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The Role of the University in Building World Peace

What is the role of academe as the U.S. government tackles foreign dangers without sufficient attention to the values of democracy? And how does this relate to the way colleges pay professors? A view from 1948.

Why States Shouldn't Accredit

In my work as Oregon’s college evaluator, I am often asked why state approval is not "as good as accreditation"...

Beyond Busy

Bruce G. Murphy says students and professors need to reclaim time -- and that to do that, we need to rethink the purpose of a college education.

Proving the Critics' Case

Inside Higher Ed recently reported on four University of Pittsburgh professors critiquing the latest survey suggesting ideological one-sidedness in the...

Believing in Parking

Terry Caesar reviews the real hierarchy on campuses -- at least for those who drive to work.

10 Reasons

Cary Nelson offers a list of the real fears that administrators have about the unionization of graduate students.

Students Read Less. Should We Care?

Declining interest in literature may signal trouble for the humanities and social sciences. But maybe it doesn't, argues John V. Lombardi.

Indestructible Student Relationships

Shari Wilson wonders why so many of the couples and friendships she sees involve one member being dragged down academically.