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Teaching After Midnight

A few hours ago, Wick Sloane taught his first section of an 11:45 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. course. He’s inspired by his students and community college – and mad as hell that no one seems to care about the nationwide conditions that make it impossible for so many students to find sections at the hours they need.

The Adjunct's Moment of Truth

Like most of us who work in higher education, I really don’t have the time, or the courage, to be...

Beyond the Jokes on 'Helicopter Parents'

When I became an associate dean for undergraduate programs not quite four years ago, I did not know the term...

Gaming Excellence

After his institution imposes an inarguable "excellence" fee on students, Clarence Sowers envisions other one-time charges to follow.

The Don'ts of Higher Ed Reform

The 18 months that I spent on Margaret Spellings’ Commission on the Future of Higher Education left me convinced that...

Race Still Matters

Colleges need a new set of discussions -- involving students, professors, administrators and their communities, write Michelle Asha Cooper and David A. Longanecker.

Wrong Things, Rightly Named

An Eastern European thinker knows what to call the practices covered in the CIA report. Scott McLemee follows his lead....

Finding One's Way By Losing It

As comforting as lamentation can be, colleges and their leaders will waste an opportunity if they respond to the economic crisis with frugality and caution, David E. Shi writes.