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Drawing the Wrong Conclusions

Russell Poulin ponders what the University of Texas System's decision to close its TeleCampus says -- and doesn't say -- about online education.

Anti-Bias Rules for Everyone

If religious groups succeed in forcing public colleges to abandon their equity rules, they will end up undercutting the independence not only of those colleges but of religious groups, writes John K. Wilson.

Hiding in Plain Sight

Campus leaders need to acknowledge, and talk about, the fact that men are more likely than women to commit violence, Jason Laker argues.

Pride in One's Work

Throughout my 31 years in higher education, from assistant to full professor at three universities — Oklahoma State, Ohio and...


Seven years ago, Iraq's libraries went up in smoke. Scott McLemee looks at a history of book destruction.

Teaching Tips

David Galef reveals a U of All People colleague's secrets for saving professors time and easing their workload in the classroom.

Prof to Student and Back

Steve Cohen, a long-time adjunct, finds himself enrolled in law school -- and thinking about some common teaching questions and strategies

Test Your Fund Raising Ethics

Forget the formal guidelines and codes: Mark Drozdowski offers a real-time method for judging the quality of your (and your employees') moral compass.