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Doubling Pell Isn’t Enough Without Deeper Reforms

The Pell Grant should be doubled, but it should only be applicable to institutions where Pell combined with other forms of grant aid covers 80 percent of the cost of attendance, David Ferreira writes.

Ethical College Admissions: Ironies and Flaws

Students for Fair Admissions’ brief to the Supreme Court shows its real target is the Grutter ruling, writes Jim Jump.

It’s Better in Texas

Stymied by California’s outdated master plan for higher education, the state should look to Texas’ approach to supporting emerging research universities, Adela de la Torre writes.

Ticking Time Bombs and Eternity

Scott McLemee reviews Ron E. Hassner’s Anatomy of Torture.

Supporting Student Athletes’ Mental Health

A peer-counseling program at St. Lawrence University aims to break the stigma around issues of student athlete mental health, Elisa Van Kirk and Carolyn Holran write.

College Counseling Centers Cannot Act Alone

Colleges should reach across the campus and collaborate with established resources in the community rather than relying on traditional models of campus counseling, writes Eric Wood.

Flag, Freedom, DEI and Faculty Performance: A Fable

A fictional tale by Mark Edmundson explores the “ethical commitments” professors are and are not being invited to make.

GAO Report on Online Program Managers Was Only a Start

Congress’s investigative arm accurately diagnosed the problem outside providers play in driving online tuitions higher, but the government needs to act more aggressively, John Katzman argues.