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An Enthusiast's View of Academic Blogs

Adam may not need blogging right now, but even he admits that the community he has as a graduate student...

A Skeptic's Take on Academic Blogs

In the blogging circles in which I run, one of my many claims to fame is the extent to which...

Regrets, I've Had a Few

The editors of the cultural magazine . N+1 are publishing a booklet called What We Should Have Known: Two Discussions...

Early Aid Could Lift College Aspirations

Making Pell Grants available to 11th graders could help students from low-income families realize that affording a higher education is within their reach, Mark G. Yudof writes.

Lessons Learned

Paula M. Krebs considers the way applying for a major foundation grant offers ideas for managing academic life generally.

'Too Good' for Tenure?

Like most young faculty members, I began my first job with my eyes on the prize six years ahead --...

Faking It, With 2 Books and More

Terry Caesar considers the assumptions academics make about fellow academics -- many times based on a less than complete reality.

To the Things Themselves

Sometimes bric-a-brac has meaning. Scott McLemee interviews an interpreter.