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The Accidental Celebrity

Timothy L. Wood didn't write an essay comparing Obama and Hitler. He shares his story about what happened online and in his life when some people thought he did.

A Peek Behind the Veil

Gregg Chenoweth's experience at the famed Oxford Round Table, at its 20th anniversary, offered a melding of mind and matter, pub and pulpit, enchantment and irritation.

Reforming Pre-Med

While a new agenda for changing the approach to key courses may challenge professors and administrators, it's possible and it's vital, writes Julio de Paula.

Prophets of Deceit

Obama is a totalitarian illegal alien! He's going to execute grandma! Scott McLemee takes refuge with a classic study of political mania.

John Hughes's Lessons

"Bueller. Bueller. Bueller." As an untenured professor I live in constant dread that my voice will (like Ben Stein's in...

Vertigo Years

The problems facing higher education won't be fixed by three-year programs, but educational values will be lost, write William G. Durden and Neil B. Weissman.

Furlough Friday

Renee Moreno considers the realities of the way California's universities are balancing their budgets.

'Iphigenia' and the iPhone

There is growing anxiety among educators and policy makers that American colleges and universities are not churning out enough science...